Darwin was back at the vet again today.
He had started eating again, so much that we were scheduled to get the tube removed, then suddenly stopped again.
After a very traumatic workday yesterday (those who keep after my Twitters know what was going on), I took Darwin to the vet again today. They performed an ultrasound and more x-rays, and found nothing. Their advice was to continue with the tube feeding, give him some more appetite stimulant, and antibiotics.
I had the hard discussion with the vet, and he was optimistic about Darwin's condition, as they found no signs of lymphoma.
Poor guy.
Good, but STILL stressful! That's one big cat! Is that you in the pic? Nice to see a face to go w/a blog, even though no one shall ever gaze upon mine! AH-AH-AH!
Can you tell me how you came up w/the name of your blog. I'm curious.
Nice to SEE you. I dig your glasses.
I was referring to the name of THIS particular blog.
Ah, The Girl's in Circles again is a line from a Tori Amos song. I liked her early stuff a lot, but the newer stuff doesn't get me so much.
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